Perfectly Enough
It was February 14th, Valentines day. Not just any Valentines day, but Aubrey Ann’s first Valentines day as a school-aged child, a Kindergartener. I heard Aubrey Ann busily working down the hall. She came out of her room asking me what she should wear, I felt a twinge of guilt that I hadn’t purchased her […]
The Pink Sneakers
She begs to sit in my lap. I say “yes” because I’m a softy that way. Even if it is only from our mailbox, which rests just a few houses down our street from us, or around our small block, she loves to steer the car. She eagerly sits. Her fuzzy pony tail tickles my […]
A Very Patient Carpenter
I love to go yard sale shopping. There is just something about digging through all the items that were once loved and cherished, bought with a price, that are now being tossed aside, unloved and unwanted. Today while I was out shopping, I found a rocking chair. It wasn’t pretty. The nicks and gouges on […]
The moment…
The moment I first saw you in that crowded hallway, you were lost in conversation. My first thought? “Wow!” The moment you first spoke to me I could tell you were nervous. You make silly jokes when you are nervous. That is ok, because I was nervous too. I remember thinking that I couldn’t believe […]
My sweet, sweet boy!
Over the years, AA has gotten her fair share of posts devoted solely to her, so I thought maybe it was time to devote a post to our little man. Dearest Landon, The first thing I hear from you every morning is singing. “Life is a highway, I’m gonna drive it all night long…bum bunna […]
A Lamb for the Sacrifice
Tonight all of us snuggled on the couch to do our nightly devotional. The fire cast off a warm glow, and the Christmas tree shimmered in the background. Landon sat on his Daddy’s lap, and AA snuggled on my shoulder. All was peaceful, and lovely. It is moments like this that draw me close to […]
Like pearls on a necklace…
She looks up at me with sun in her hair. He hands me a cup full of sand and tells me its “grape juice”. She snuggles against my shoulder as we read, and intertwines her fingers into mine. He says,”Mama, I’m scared”, just so I give him a hug. She laughs with mouth wide open […]
This. This is why.
This is why we choose to live life the way we do. It is why we homeschool. It is why I choose to not have a “career”. It is why we don’t have fancy cars, or vacation in Hawaii every year. It is why we don’t feel guilty for doing things a little bit different. […]
AA’s First day of Kindergarten!!!!
I know it has been forever and ever since I have updated, but I wanted to share this! AA had her first day of Kindergarten this last week! It has gone SO well. Aubrey Ann is excited about school everyday, and she is loving all the curriculum we chose for her. That is such a […]
Captured memories
Tonight as I was putting AA to bed, I laid and stroked her hair. I sang the 100th verse of some made up song us mommies are so good at composing. It was a song about virtues, character, and the sweet relationship between a mother and a daughter. As I finished the song, I spoke […]